JR大塚駅 天祖神社 ~Tenso Shrine~

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大塚天祖神社について ~Otsuka Tenso Shrine~

天祖神社は、いよいよ御鎮座700年をお迎え致します。 鎌倉時代末の元亨年間(1321~24)の創建以来、巣鴨村の鎮守として、 この地域の人々を見守り、祭礼など共同体の中心であり続け、 令和3~6年(2021~24)が700年目に当たります。

天祖神社御鎮座700年記念事業 | 旧巣鴨総鎮守 天祖神社|大塚駅前鎮座【公式】 (tensojinja.or.jp)

Tenzo Shrine will finally celebrate its 700th anniversary. Since its construction in 1321~24, the end of the Kamakura period (1185-1333), the shrine has been the guardian of Sugamo Village, watching over the people of this area and serving as the center of the community through festivals and other events.

天祖神社御鎮座700年記念事業 | 旧巣鴨総鎮守 天祖神社|大塚駅前鎮座【公式】 (tensojinja.or.jp)

天祖神社での参拝について ~Bow twice, clap twice, bow once more~


After throwing money into the money-offering box, worshippers bow twice, clap twice, bow once more, and chant their wishes and thanks to the gods in their hearts while closing their eyes. Then you can take a stroll through the quaint 700-year-old shrine grounds and take some “Retrotic” pictures.

天祖神社の外観 ~Appearance of Tenso Shrine~

天祖神社へのアクセス ~Access to Tenso Shrine~


Otsuka Tenso Shrine is about a two-minute walk from JR Otsuka Station.
Go out of the only one ticket gate of JR Otsuka Station and head to the right then you get out from the South Exit of JR Otsuka Station.
With your back to the South Exit of JR Otsuka Station, continue straight ahead crossing the across the streetcar tracks then reach to the Sun mall「サンモール大塚商店街」: shopping street.
Follow the shopping street straight ahead, and you will come to a five-way intersection.
Tenso Shrine will appear on your right.

